AML Screening Data

Rich Data Expressed in Simple Terms

A fundamental aspect of Skypiom Compliance pertains to the automated consolidation of subject data from various origins. Subject data (also referred to as “schemas”) relating to people, companies, employment details, crypto wallets, directorships, occupancies, passport numbers and many more are gathered from diverse global sources. 

By de-duplicating (a technical and  intricate type of merging) of over 1,500 data schemas, duplicates in searches are circumvented. This cuts down the noise in the data ensuring exceptional screening quality that is presented in a succinct manner.

Specifically, this data model method of de-duplication is referred to as the FollowTheMoney (FtM) data model. 

FtM is a principle followed by Skypiom Compliance that ensures data can be referenced and validated, in turn presenting a de-duplicated and clear report on the subject screened. By cross-referencing data points, a robust framework for interconnecting subjects creates a precise, reliable and clear picture of an intricate web of relationships.

De-duplication process

Global Data Sources

Skypiom’s AML data sources, updated daily, originate from global lists of government, inter-governmental and NGO intelligence databases. Examples of the sources are listed below.